Finally, i have a spare time to write a short story about Det-Con's winner announcement last Sunday (28/11). As i told you before in "Glad To Make You Laugh :D" post, TIMES got 3 bronze medals and 1 gold medal. Here's a little story behind it..
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It was Sunday and i don't know can i go to PTC to attend the winners announcement or not. Well, you know i had a lot of problems lately which make me really on my worst mood and i don't have any transportation anyway. But God always there for me and once again He shows His never-ending kindness. He let me go there by Bemo* ;)
So, while my father brought my Mom to our shop, he dropped me at Pasar atom to seek lyn DA which route will be heading out to the west. Fortunately, i don't have to wait any longer to find that. I'm pretty excited for that, because it was my first time on Bemo all by myself and it means i don't have to spend a lot of money for that because Bemo was really cheap. You know, from Pasar Atom to PTC i only spend 3500 rupiahs !!

THE TRACK : from atom to PTC.
Wow. Imagine if you ride a taxi, how much money would you spend? Yeah, eventhough i know, taxi is much more safe. But well, i'm excited because i had a new experience and i can save my money :)
After i arrived at PTC, and go to SSCC, i found nobody but suddenly i saw Vania and Nyak. After i had my breakfast there, we wait for the other TIMES member to come. But until 2.30 pm, there's nobody come. Only Cly. It's about 3 pm when Clara, Nikita and Catrul arrived. More and more people coming in the afternoon, there's Vero, Vigor, Elvira, Lintang and Joy. We waiting pretty much long until Mr. Azrul announced the senior year's winner. I was pretty nervous at that time, eventhough i really didn't care whether we win or not. For me, it's all okay.
And yeah as you know, I'm really proud for Longor which got a bronze medal. It's a big progress from Silly (Our 2D mading last year) well, eventhough sometimes i felt like it's not really worth it because i thought we deserve more than that, but that's okay. At least we didn't go home without anything :)
Best school was just a title for me. Best school is when you finally done what you didn't expect to done and it's a matter of togetherness and hard work that you did :)
Thank you so much for this great last opportunity for me. I wish i could join det-con again next year whether it's custom shoes competition or RED-A DETEKSI MODEL COMPETITION! hahahahaha :p
TIMES, you better rock that MOVIE MAGIC out! :D
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Here's some photos from the winners announcement. Stole this from Elvira's blog :p
3rd Place Best Campaign! Woot! Glad to be Dora the Explorer :D
Lintang and Joy, custom shoes team who deserves Gold medal. Thank you so much :*
Best campaign's
Yay! That's ours :) Best Campaign, Top 5 Gold Custom Shoes and Top 10 Bronze 2D/3D
Vania, Cly, Catrul, Elvira and Me♥
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I also would like to thank to many people:
Catrul: for being a really nice chief for TIMES and for being a good friend who truly understand me
Jojo, Anthony, Cly, Clara: for brought me home from PTC. Thank you so much guys, without you i might not be at home now :p
Nikita, Theo: for cheering me up everytime i feel sad.
Glenny: for being my bully victims. Haha :p
Another TIMES member: for your time and hard work for this mading things♥
Aan and Angie: for your spare time to help and lend your hand for us. Thank you so much!
TIMES Senior; Tasia, Qky, Ima, Willy, Nasha, Devi, AB: For your never ending supports for us. TONS OF THANKS :D
SOMETIMES (created by Elvira?): for your time until 4am during the round up and finishing day! I personally really appreciate it so much and thank you is never enough! Thank you so freakin' darn much! haha :p
Mumsy: for supporting me eventhough you also like to nag about this mading things :p
Mr. Patrianata Bhakti Indrawan: for giving your time to see the campaign and to come to the venue eventhough you're really busy :*
Campaign's team: for your hard work and wow, we deserve it :D
The models, Jeanny and Faby: for you hard work too! Though you didn't win that's not really matter. You did a really good job and Sinlui must be so proud of both of you!
OZ Challenge team: for giving us a bronze medal. You guys did a good job :)
Ishibi band: Though you didn't go to the venue, but we know you have tried your best. Thank you :)
Mrs. Rina: for being a nice Mom for TIMES this year
Mr. Eko tatib: for keeping those plastic bag with det-con passes. Without you i die! HAHAHAHAHA :p
Other teachers who come to the venue: Mrs. Endang, Mr. Tobias, Mr. Berlian, Mr. Setyo and the others thank you for your support and your visit.
and of course..
MY SUPER DUPER AMAZING GOD: for giving me such a big opportunity for being a part of TIMES once again and for showing Your miracles everytime i need You. Thank you so much God♥
elizabeth paulina dwi putri
TIMES 09-10
BalasHapusThank you ce :D