Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


I'm pretty bored at home. I really have nothing to do except helping Mumsy cleaning this house and online over and over and over again. I pick this from Catrul's blog :)

*Who and when was your first crush?
Kindergarten? Danny? Hahaha :p
*When you were growing up, what kind of person did you see yourself falling in love with when you grew up?
a gentleman! someone who can always makes me laugh in my hardest situation. Caring and understanding :)
*In the past, what were three qualities you looked for in a person?
Handsome, tall, Ari Wibowo type of guy. Huahaha :p
*What is the first thing you notice about a person of the opposite sex?
His smile :)
*In the past, did you fall in love quickly?
Yes, same as catrul's not quickly, but easier
*Have you ever been hurt by an ex?

*What is the best part of your life right now?
Now? I don't have any remidial test.
*If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
My mindset.
*What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?
Gahh.. sweeping again.
*What is the last thing you think about when you go to bed at night?
oh like many things!

*Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Being a success person with happy life with people i love.
*Do you have a plan in life and is it flexible?
I don't have any plan, but i always imagine about it. That's it.
*Do you want children later in life and if so, how many?
Of course! Up to God ;p
*What kind of parent do you believe you will be?
I wish i could be a great Mom who can take care of the family and cook well, of course! and I'm the one who are not gonna let my kids become a pampered one.
*Where do you want to live someday?
Everywhere on earth.

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