Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

I Do Love A Man.

Ever since last week, i feel like want to post this but i just don't know how to say. First of all, let me explain that this post has nothing to do with disfiguring dignity or any of the parties. Let's think that this is just my thought..

I had a shock in a sudden when exactly last week someone asked me this question : "Are you a butchy?". Okay, honestly i never knew any kind of stuff like that and that gay suddenly explain himself for me, i guess he just look me in the eyes and he knows that i really didn't understand what he said. Here's the exact conversation with ummmm... let's just call him Mr. A (Because i don't know his real name either)
Mr. A: Green ; Me: Blue and lets skip to the main part.

"Excuse me but can i ask you something?"
"Yes, sure.. what is it?"
"Are you a butchy?"
*Silent* "Butchy? What is that?"
"You don't know what is it?"
*Shaking my heads*
*Sigh* "Ooh.. i thought you were a butchy, um.. a lesbian. Because you look so tomboy.. Umm, sorry but i didn't mean anything. I just want to know, because i'm a gay and i didn't attracted to girls. This is me, i always talk frankly. Sorry"
*Shock and fake a smile* "Oh.. ahahaha, that's okay no problem."

Later on i found out that butchy is another name for a manly girl or i assumed that in lesbian, butchy played the guy part. I was in big shock until this time.

To be honest, i never had a problem interacting with various kind of people like Lady Gaga said;
No matter gay, straight, or bi, Lesbian, transgendered life,
No matter black, white or beige, Chola or orient made,
I never had a problem with them and for me they are all fine. But it kinda give me a lesson that i should look more girly. Yeah, kinda hard to say the word "Girly" because i never really try to look girly or being so girly because i love who i am now, i love what i look.

Well, but i promise to myself that next year i'll be even more pretty, so no one would never ever called me butchy or lesbian again, Oo yeah! I am as straight as ruler and i am interested with Man who could make me laugh in my hardest time, who knows how to act as a man, and work hard for their goals.. Ohohohohoho :'( 

3 komentar:

  1. lol! this article made me laugh and go thinking. but aren't you still in a relationship? or am I just ketinggalan zaman?

  2. No i am not :P you are ketinggalan jaman . huakakakak
