Rabu, 13 Februari 2013


Sometimes i questioned myself, why i was born like this and why i had this way of life.
If most of the girls out there portraying themselves as a flower, maybe i'm just a wildflower.
My presence is not expected, grow up everywhere i want.
But still looks the same from afar..

cr:  wildflowerfashion.blogspot.com

I found it weird,
How i think that hanging out with boys is much more convenient rather than with girls.
No need to be someone else, no need to act pretty, no need to be pampered.
Girls are just girls, they use all their feeling but hardly understand other's feeling.
It's not that i'm 100% not doing that, but sometimes that excessive attitude is just irritating.

I'm just another normal girl,
but i have different point of view.
They are proud of having red-sole heels, i'm proud just having my sneakers.
They are proud to look pretty everywhere they go, what kind of girl doesn't want to look pretty?
They are proud eating in a fine dining restaurant, having a simple meal is more than enough for me..
They said i'm a freak,

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